Hvad er nu det for noget?
Jeg har idag været til åbningsreception på AROS - Århus Kunstmuseum. En særudstilling der åbner for publikum imorgen 1. marts varer til 25. maj 2008. Særudstillingen er af kunsteneren - Shirin Neshat - hun har lavet 5 video film i billeder. Nedenfor kan du se rummet i juniorafdelingen samt et af billederne fra en af video filmene.

Hvor kommer jeg så ind i billedet - tja jeg har, nej IBIBI Garn har sponsoreret garn og skind til junior afdelingen.
Whats going on?
Today I have been at an opning reception for an art exebition at AROS - Århus Art Museum. This excibiton is a speciel of a kind because it opening public to morrow the 1. march and finished the 25. maj. This Speciel exebition is of the artist Shirin Neshat - she made 5 video movie pictures. You can see one of her pictures up at the page.
I know it sound strange but because of this artist the Art Museum AROS do some for the knitting. I can not explain but AROS have a junior room were the children can be creative and they can try knitting in the next 3 month. So please visit theis exebition together with your children.
And what am I doing in all this? I have sponsored all the yellow yarn.