Denne kjole er strikket i Genziana som er 100% merino uld - kan vaskes i vaskemaskinen. Kjolen er til de 1 årige. Jeg havde lovet at vise et billede da jeg havde nævnt kjolen for nogle mennesker som ikke var forbi Fredericia Messen.This dress i knitted in Genziana - 100% merino wool - mashinewaschable. The dress is for the 12 month girls. I have promised a lady a picture of the dress because she did not went to Fredericia Fair.
Dear Irene: What a beautiful dress! I would have loved for my daughter to have worn something as exquisite. Too bad she's now 12 years instead of 12 months! She and I have been trying to figure out how to make the nisse you posted a photo of over on the Christmas Swap page. You are incredibly talented. --Stephanie (from Whoduknit? and the Christmas swap)
Irene--I hope you have the time. if you show me--we'll send you one!! (kind of funny when you think that Oregon is known for "Bigfoot" not nisse--but maybe they're kind of oppostie ends of a related pole!)
Thank you for your comment. Irene
Aii hvor er den sød Irene!!
Knus Pia C
Vejle(tidl. Givskud)
Tak skal du have Pia. Knus fra Irene
Dear Irene: What a beautiful dress! I would have loved for my daughter to have worn something as exquisite. Too bad she's now 12 years instead of 12 months! She and I have been trying to figure out how to make the nisse you posted a photo of over on the Christmas Swap page. You are incredibly talented.
--Stephanie (from Whoduknit? and the Christmas swap)
Stephanie thank you for your nice word. If I have time next week I will show you have to make a nisse. Love and hugs to you and yours. Irene
Irene--I hope you have the time. if you show me--we'll send you one!! (kind of funny when you think that Oregon is known for "Bigfoot" not nisse--but maybe they're kind of oppostie ends of a related pole!)
Hi Stephanie It could be funny :-))) Hugs from Irene
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