Monday, January 21, 2008


Igår fik jeg afhentet mine bestilte lydbøger. Jeg har lånt bøgerne via denne side. Jeg synes det er en god måde at få læst bøger. Den ene bog skal være læst færdig i januar. Det er i denne gruppe vi strikker noget der passer til en krimi. Jeg er igang med Three Bags full. I skulle unde Jer selv at læse den - spændende og interssant læsning - fortalt af en fåreflok.
Den anden krimi er en af Agatha Christie. Der er startet en lille gruppe der kun læser hendes værker og vi skal sende et tørklæde eller sjal til en fra gruppen.

Yesterday I got my ordered books on CD´s. I ordered the book through this site. I think it is a got way reading books. The one book have to be finished in January. It is in this group we are knitting something that fits for the crime. I am reading Three Bags Full. It is a flock of sheep there telling the story.
The other is one of Agatha Christies. A small group reading her books and then swap scarfs.


Stephanie... said...

I always love seeing what you've been up to and all your lovely projects. How do you like Three Bags Full? I think it's a little "quirky" but I'm enjoying it. I'm also going to see if I can get signed up for the Miss Marple Swap--I love Agatha Christie novels. Oh andone more've been tagged. Read about it on my blog!

Denblyviol said...

I think as well as you a little "quirky". I enjoying reading about the sheeps way thinkings about human being. I hope you join the Miss Marple Swap. The danish TV have shown nearly all the books - the once that are make into movies. I will look at your blog. A lot of hugs and love to you from Irene.


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