Friday, February 29, 2008

Blåstempling af strik/Knitting accept.

Hvad er nu det for noget?

Jeg har idag været til åbningsreception på AROS - Århus Kunstmuseum. En særudstilling der åbner for publikum imorgen 1. marts varer til 25. maj 2008. Særudstillingen er af kunsteneren - Shirin Neshat - hun har lavet 5 video film i billeder. Nedenfor kan du se rummet i juniorafdelingen samt et af billederne fra en af video filmene.

Jeg ved det lyder underligt men pga af hende laver AROS et fremstød for strikningen. Det kan ikke forklares men skal ses. Hvordan laver AROS et fremstød for strikning? Århus kunstmuseum har en junior afdeling - alle børn kommer forøvrigt gratis ind. I denne junior afdeling kan børnene sammen med nogle pædagoger være kreative og i de næste tre måneder vil man i junior afdelingen slå et slag for strikningen. Tag dit barn med på AROS og få en kunstnerisk oplevelse.

Hvor kommer jeg så ind i billedet - tja jeg har, nej IBIBI Garn har sponsoreret garn og skind til junior afdelingen.

Whats going on?

Today I have been at an opning reception for an art exebition at AROS - Århus Art Museum. This excibiton is a speciel of a kind because it opening public to morrow the 1. march and finished the 25. maj. This Speciel exebition is of the artist Shirin Neshat - she made 5 video movie pictures. You can see one of her pictures up at the page.
I know it sound strange but because of this artist the Art Museum AROS do some for the knitting. I can not explain but AROS have a junior room were the children can be creative and they can try knitting in the next 3 month. So please visit theis exebition together with your children.
And what am I doing in all this? I have sponsored all the yellow yarn.


Stephanie... said...

Oh Irene, you have no idea how much I'd LOVE to go to the exhibit!!! I think it's terrific that you sponsored the yellow yarn. HOw did you find out about this or they about you?

Denblyviol said...

The Art museum contacted me and I know they have been surfing in space. It was a great unner for me to be choosen. But I think it is because of my yellow homepage. Hugs and love from Irene


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