I det næste nummer af Håndarbejdsbladet kommer denne lille kørepose til for tidligt fødte. Køreposen er strikket i garnet Avantgarde Multicolor. Så glæd Jer.
In the next number of Håndarbejdsbladet you will find the pattern for this bunting. The bunting is made for the too early borned babies. It is knitted in Avantgarde Multicolor.

As you see at the picture there is buttons in the bottom and in the front of the bunting. The gloves is hold to the bunting by buttons.
That is just adorable Irene!
Thank you Jane for your nice word. Have a nice day. Love from Irene
The bunting is darling and I send you my congratulations on being selected for the pattern publication. Welcome to the American WhoDuKnit Group.
Thank you for nice word about my bunting. I love already the group Whoduknit. I now at put you on my bloglines. Love from Irene
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